CPU Z Portable is an intelligent tool that allows you to perform system diagnostics by providing data about your computer’s software such as processor, memory, cache, motherboard, and much more. All this in a categorized way and in real-time.
How to download CPU Z Portable
To download CPU Z Portable we will have to:
Install CPU Z Portable
To install CPU Z Portable you have to take into account that: a portable version of the tool allows you to take advantage of its functions without taking up space on your PC. With this portable version of CPU-Z it is not necessary to install the program to enjoy all its advantages. It is possible to make use of its features from a pendrive or USB memory, running directly in a fast and simple way.
CPU Z Portable Requirements
The only necessary requirement to use CPU Z Portable is to have a computer with Windows Operating System, 32 or 64 bits, and to have 3,02 MB of free space on the USB flash drive.
Features of CPU Z Portable
- CPU-Z allows you to save the analysis data in a text file using additional tools.
With this, it is possible to make a comparison of the data of our computer with the data of a standard processor. - Through CPU-Z we can enter DriversCloud to find out if there is a newer version of the computer drivers and determine whether they require or update.
What is CPU Z Portable for?
- This tool offers a free analysis of computer software data
- It performs BIOS, cache, graphics card, CPU, memory, RAM, and motherboard analysis